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Critical EVA and Reflection

When creating the idea for Lunch Kit Chef, I began by brainstorming ways to integrate health and technology in the classroom, as I have a passion for both. Having taught primary education for the past few years, I have constantly been searching for resources to teach health and nutrition in a fun, engaging and interactive way. When thinking about what I wanted to pursue for my venture pitch, I automatically thought it would be great to come up with my own idea that I would personally use in my classroom. 


I thought about my students at the core of instruction and what exactly it is that motivates them at their age. For me, that answer was easy; technology. I took the concept of technology and meal kit delivery and merged the two forming the idea of Lunch Kit Chef. After researching this concept a great deal, I concluded there wasn't anything on the market quite like Lunch Kit Chef. 


Although there are other educational technology and health programs, services and apps, Lunch Kit Chef puts the students right at the centre of instruction and allows them to use their creativity and knowledge to choose and personalize their lunches once every month. In addition, short lessons are created to present students with quick, factual information about a variety of health and nutrition concepts. When a product is individualized, the user (the student) feels accomplished and confident to continue using and engaging in learning. 


After completing Assignment #1, I had a clearer understanding of what makes a successful entrepreneur. Upon careful planning and consideration, I believe my venture has many strengths as well as many weaknesses to build upon. Listed below are my top 3 entrepreneurial strengths and weaknesses.




1. Elevator pitch is thoughtful and illustrates the venture in the allotted time of 1 minute.


2. The plan illustrates a clear outline of the market, including the target audience and the associated costs of using the program.


3. The target audience is very large and there is room for program expansion.

1. More information is required regarding exact initial investment amounts and the returns on initial investments.


2. Lunch Kit Chef is competing against well-established and very successful nation-wide hot lunch programs. Further analysis on these competitors is necessary before actual investment offerings.


3. The venture domain (website) could be enhanced to be more interactive and appealing to the user.

Referenced Images

Thank you for considering this venture pitch.

This pitch was created by Katie Cowen as part of the University of British Columbia's Masters of Educational Technology program. This pitch was in fulfilling the requirement for Assignment #3 - Venture Pitch for the course ETEC 522: Ventures in Learning Technologies. *This is not an actual product.

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